Waiting to be Alive

It’s been a good two or three months since I’ve written anything on here. During this time, I have convinced myself that nobody really reads this blog anyways and that it probably sucks, so why bother? Well, I’m writing this to tell you (and my under-appreciating self) that I’m going to keep writing on here anyways. I had a goal when I started this blog and that goal was to have an outlet to improve my writing skills and to hopefully write things that people would find interesting and helpful. I first want to give you a preface for why I am all of the sudden ready to get back on track with my blogging.

First of all, I just graduated high school and I’m at a point in my life where I’m realizing that I have to grow up and take responsibility for becoming the person that I want to be. I have been creating for my life and have decided to stop sitting around and waiting for them to come to fruition. I’m going to learn the skills, work the extra hours to earn the money, take time to build the friendships that I want and stop sitting around and making bullshit excuses for why I don’t have the relationships, happiness, and freedom that I envision for my life.

Second of all, today I read He’s Just not that into You (yes, it’s a book too, apparently) by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo because my aunt gave it to me. I get books from my family often and 95% of the time don’t read them, but for whatever reason, I’ve nearly finished this one and enjoyed it. The book is a series of letters (which are probably fabricated, but the advice is good, nonetheless) from women to Greg (the male author) who responds to their relationship woes with, “he’s just not that into you.” They all have their stories and excuses for why “he didn’t call” or why “things aren’t working out” when the reality of their situations is the one line that is also the title of the book. Why is some cheesy chick flick book-turned-movie inspiring me to write this at two in the morning? I don’t know, but my revelations are worth sharing. I have been confining myself to spending my life on the sidelines, hoping that if I over think it long enough, something will actually happen. WRONG. Ugh. Why couldn’t I have realized this sooner? Not that I’ve been so scarred by a romantic relationship or anything, it’s the principle of the book that has prodded me to action. Why wait? Why sit around trying to figure out why something didn’t work out for you the way you wanted it to? Some self reflection is necessary for success, but once you realize where you went wrong it’s time to get off your butt and do something about it. Anything beyond the initial reflection is holding you back. I’m talking to myself here.

Lastly, I just read this article (warning, some harsh language is used) that further made me realize that waiting, wishing, hoping, expecting, and any other verb that you can insert that lacks action, is not going to help you reach your goals. Life is too short to wait for things to happen to you. What impact will you leave on the world when you die in 60 years or so (if not much sooner, God forbid)? Maybe you will die before you reach your goals but at least you can say you worked hard to achieve them, as getting in the mindset of working to achieve what you want is a fulfilled goal in itself. 

I realize that this post seems like it has less to do with Christianity than it usually does. I want to conclude this by saying that I think that there are plenty of “Christians” out there (myself included, unfortunately) who “mean well” but wont actually sacrifice anything or do any work. Don’t pretend like you want to be a better friend or care for the poor as a cover up for your desire to live your life the way you want to, comfortably. Get out and do something about it. Call people. Go volunteer. Talk to people. Every single person you meet has something to teach you, no exceptions. Ask them questions. Whatever it is that you do, be awesome at it. If you aren’t awesome at it, practice and work at it until you are awesome at it. Turn off the TV; stop wasting precious seconds of your life scrolling through Facebook or pondering who wore it best. Go out and make your own memories and happiness. Do something each day that makes you a better person, even if you have to drag yourself out of bed. Sometimes it will be easy, other times you will have to go against every fiber of your being, but know this: it will be worth it. Don’t wait for life to give you want. Go get it. Don’t wait for someone else to make the world a better place. Don’t watch other people to live full, amazing, selfless lives. Finally (and most importantly), don’t treat the Bible as a book of friendly suggestions about how you should live your life. Treat it as the absolute foundation to a world that operates the way that God originally intended for it to and let it move you to do something beyond merely transforming the way that you think about life; let it change the way you live.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

What are ya thinkin'?